Analytics Advantage Assessment


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(25% Complete)
1. Does your organization “keep score” beyond financial measures?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
No, we don't keep score beyond financial measures - important parts of our performance is not captured in our reports Yes, we have meaningful reporting on non-financial measures

2. Does everyone in your organization know how it can influence the performance of the organization?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
No - as a result, management has to keep telling everyone what they need to do to improve the performance of the organization Yes, each leader, manager and individual understands what they can do to improve the organization's performance

3. Does your organization have a manageable number of key performance measures?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
No, we have too many key performance measures - We have so many that you can count on some showing good performance and some showing poor performance Yes, as an organization we stay focused on 5 or fewer key performance measures

4. How often do you get data or reports and say “that would have been useful if I got it last month”?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often All the time
This never happens at our organization. I get the reports I need when I need them. This happens all the time